Aug 4, 2006

Moody Beach


I love Maine. It's a place that's always been a constant in my heart. I've been coming here since I was a small child. For many years (about forty) my family and I returned year after year to a charming 1920's cottage much like the one pictured above. The same people returned each year for their allotted week at our shared summer haven. Time share, before time share was invented.

There was a log in the house where each family would relate their experiences of their week or two. Time spent inside the old pine paneled walls looking out the picture window at the magnificent Atlantic. A cottage unfinished and rustic. Beautiful in it's unfinished charm. The furnishings and such seldom changed .Each year we would open the cupboards and delight in finding our favorite dish or cup.
The house had a familiar scent that welcomed us every time we opened the door.

The picture window looking onto the ocean replaced the television that was hidden in the closet. As kids we believed there really was no tv there. We didn't need it. We had the beautiful sound and sights of the tides to entertain us, scouring the view for lobster boats and seals. Playtime was always outside on the beach or inside the screen porch.

On rainy days the basement was raided for one of it's many jigsaw puzzles. Happy hours would be spent around a card table. Everyone joining in to place a piece of the puzzle. Breaks were taken looking out the window watching the lone walkers on the beach or gazing out to sea.

I spent my summer vacations there as a child as did my children.

My father's ashes were scattered there in 1989. Year after year we returned to claim our little slice of heaven.
It was a little melancholy to be there at times without my dad but it was also a way to keep him near.

Sadly, the cottage was sold in about 2003. The new owners remodeled and no longer rent it out.


Thankfully, the view remains the same.


H.E.B.R. jr. August 4 1933 - November 8 1988


Ginnie Hart said...

Can you imagine having memories there in that house! Straight out of a movie :)

Jozee said...

Yes, it was Ginnie!

Unknown said...

I can't decide which house I would rather stay in?

I'm glad the ocean doesn't change too much. And the memories...

Jozee said...


Anonymous said...

I told you before that i stayed in a very similar house near the Highland Light, North Truro on the Cape many years ago. It evoked the same precious feelings as so magnificently described by you. The simplicity of light and wind and the constancy of the ocean and life.

Jozee said...

Oh, so beautiful, bebe.

Yes, the Cape, particularly Truro and southern coastal Maine are very similar in feel.

I'm so glad you got to have the experience of "the simplicity of light and wind and the constancy of the ocean and life" as you so eloquently put it.

That's what life seaside is all about.