Aug 14, 2007

Good Morning World


I was having a difficult time last week. So I forced myself to go out on a walk with my cam.I took many shots that day. My happiest memory or experience that morning was when a garbage man rounded the corner and stuck his head out his window at me and my cam with a huge, purposely, cheesy grin. I couldn't catch it but it was memorable. I saw him a little further down the street at one of his stops and he asked , "Whatcha doin?"

"Trying to amuse myself ," I replied. "Thanks for making me laugh back there", I went on to say.

"Hey, it's my job!" he replied with a grin.

Wouldn't it be nice if more of us thought that way.

Thank you- Alternative Recycling man!

p.s. Make sure to click on the pic to enlarge. You're not going to believe what goes on inside a zinnia.


Gail Peck said...

The zinnia metaphor works for so many things. Unless we take the time to carefully study things we miss the important parts, re: loved ones.

Jozee said...

You're absolutely right Gail.