Mar 10, 2006

Dearth and plethora

I've had a plethora of romances and offers of prospective romance throughout my life. There's always been a dearth of legitimite offers.

I tend to attract the types that are already taken . Committed or married or just mentally unavailable.
I've had men tell me they'll love me forever but that I deserve a life without them. That in the long run I'll see how much better off I'll be. In their own words, they're not worthy.

I'd really like a guy that was just mine. Round the clock.
Apparently that's just too much to ask.


merlinprincesse said...

Oh dear! We all have the same (not so secret) wish! We all are Cinderellas.... *sigh*

Jozee said...

Isn't it true?

Jozee said...

Thanks Mr.Tiger. You're a pussycat!

Clo said...

Hey! Just continue to look and I'm sure you'll find!

Jozee said...

Well, my eyes are open.