Mar 17, 2006

My brain on life

I may have
said this
I don't wanna
back that

I started this blog
to get rid of thoughts

idea was that?


merlinprincesse said...

Maybe you didn't get rid of the thoughts, but you have made lots of new friends who like you and can tell you something kind when you feel blue!!! :o)

Jozee said...

Yes, MP you are absolutely right.
Never expected for anyone to hear me - amazing!

Thank you - Josie

Oh, yes. I must say thank you to Henri he launched me by finding me first.

the fourth dimension said...

well, what she has actually done is put those thoughts here, and made this blog interesting, so that we just have to come here, and then she quietly dumps those thoughts on us! wicked ;)

Jozee said...

Hey - I'm going to post about this.
I literally thought no one would ever read my file.

Thanks so much for all your attention and compliments .

I'd wither if you all went away now.

This stuff just goes round and round in my head if I don't write it down.

One can only have so much personal ephemera. If I were published I'd have someone to manage it. But I'm not so here I am.

One less notebook about the place.
So much neater !

Hope everyone is having a happy sunday or monday wherever they are!!!!!!!!!!

henri Banks said...

Dont thank me Jozee and dont call me jesus ,its just me a human who likes other (nice)humans.
Remember that canadian kid who was totaly imposible,i forgot his name but he didnt like humans he just saw his mirror reflexion.
I happy that i found you toghetter we have a real nice family and we are gettin bigger and bigger every year!And with us you can chear your thoughts ;-)

Jozee said...

Yes, Henri your family has grown and I am so happy to be a part of it.

Creating WebPix was a great idea thank you for including me. oxo Jo