Mar 16, 2006

Panty pile

I get bored at the mall.
I can only take so much canned air.
I lose touch with reality more than ever there.
I have to entertain myself somehow. Enrich the experience. Make it real in some way.

The salesgirl nearby thought it was amusing.

Don't know if a guy would have gotten away with this one.

Lurking around the panty pile.


the fourth dimension said...

I laughed. Thanks.

Jozee said...

Glad you did. You're welcome!

Big Ben said...

I am similiar to Mr Fab. My hot tub is filled with panties and I swim in them.

Jozee said...

Good thing I wasn't sipping my Bloody Mary just then!

Seriously, doesn't that clog the filter?

Girls in panties out. ;-)
No more clogs.

Jozee said...

Oops, that slipped by my assistant.

I meant- Girls in - panties out.

She's fired and now available for your pool.